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Corpus Christi, Texas, United States

Monday, November 21, 2011

This is to Women

I was recently listening as a woman was trying to speak a word from the Lord. She was constantly being subverted in her talking by feeling the need to apologize for not wearing makeup. But, she was beautiful! What's up with that? Why do women and girls go around worrying about not having their masks on (makeup) and apologizing for it? Do they not know that the nasty masks actually cover up their true beauty? I know some jobs/school situations may require women to wear makeup as part of the dress code. Understandable it is in that case for a woman to put that mask on, so as not to offend the law of the office, but if you are not under the law of the dress code, don't wear it! If your husband is one of those ones who thinks that you look better in makeup, then I suppose you should wear it for his sake...and I will have to talk sense to him separately. Otherwise, women, understand that when you are standing there in front of the mirror there is a little demon there too whispering, "your hair line is not right, your nose is too big, your eyebrow is the wrong shape, your skin is ugly..." And you believe it. Stop believing it, and every time you go in front of the mirror, first kick the demons out by acknowledging that the God of all things truly beautiful created you and gave you the body and face that you have, and it was not an accident. The only way to increase your beauty is to increase your devotion on the God of true beauty. Plastering nasty substances on your face will only teach your face to stop shining in the beauty God has given it.