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Corpus Christi, Texas, United States

Friday, July 2, 2010

Biblical Accounts of Fasting

Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights, back-to-back, without food or water; the first, immediately before he received the tablets on the mountain with God. And the second, after coming down, seeing the Israelites practicing idolatry, and breaking the tablets in anger.

Deuteronomy 9:7-21

It is often assumed that Moses was under some super magic-from-God help mode when he went through this time in his life. Maybe so, but sometimes I wonder if it's possible to fast without water. Maybe back then the genetic strength of mankind hadn't declined so far as it has today. Maybe people were originally designed to gain fat, and then go into times of fasting for hinder-less communion with the God who walked in the garden with Adam. Maybe the fat was supposed to not only sustain the calorie needs while fasting, but also contained enough water to keep from dehydrating while fasting. I'd need to check this, but I think it is possible to go without water longer if you're not eating, compared to when you are eating.

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